Welcome Avatar! It is officially 2022. While the average person is hungover you were planning your year and know that we plan on hitting it hard in 2022. This is only a drop in the bucket of what is to come in the month of January but we have to start somewhere don’t we. Here is our basic affiliate set up for the month of January, 2022.
Part 1 - The Gift of More Coins
Substack Doesn’t have Affiliate! True. Does that mean we can’t figure out a solution? Does not. We found a solution so please read carefully if you’re interested in earning some computer coin affiliate income!
Step 1: On Substack you are able to gift out subscriptions of this substack. In this case the offer is extended to the annual membership. This means we will track all gifts for an ***annual membership to BTB Only***.
Step 2: Since we can’t pay out small commissions, we will pay out 20% for every *five* units sold. If you gift out/”sell” five units we give you back $100 in BTC or ETH.
Step 3: To make this easier to track you can team up. If you and your friend have three people each and you get six, put them under one email. This will be $120 in BTC or ETH which we would send to one address. You and your friend can easily split via cashapp/venmo etc.
The above is clear but to summarize: 1) 20% payout if you can sell/gift out five units or more, 2) you can team up and 3) it must be annual memberships so we don’t have to calculate multiple $2 transactions (not worth the time or effort)
Final Note: All payouts will be made on March 1, 2022. This offer only stands for the month of January and if there are strange situations (things always happen) we have enough time to solve them.
Goals and Bonus: Our goal is to grow 15% in the month of January. This should give us enough to invest in our resident DeGen investor (Robin). Bonus! If we exceed our goals, we will give more money out to the top “affiliate” winners. This will be 100% merit based where each email will show us exactly how many gifts were given out.
Part 2 - Cartoon Awards
In the spirit of the new year, we’re handing out some Awards! We had no clue that the Jungle would spawn so many talented people, autistic people and everything in-between. We’re sure we missed some but here are some highlights!
#1 Troll of the Year: BowTiedAce and BowTiedRat claim the prize for somehow trolling their way onto a major reddit sub-section. Here is the link! Simply well done or “I just did”. $100 in ETH for each individual.
#2 Highest Expectations for 2022: Not sure if this is an award but due to growth, use of a frog (Kermit) and helping generate the most jobs in 2021… BowTiedSalesGuy. While Ox certainly was the fastest growing account, we think all eyes are on BowTiedSalesGuy to help everyone get a career in sales (if they want one!) and crush their quota. $100 in ETH
#3 Rookie of the Year: Well since we gave it away in the last paragraph you know this goes to BowTiedOx. He doesn’t even need it but he definitely needs this meaningless text award for Rookie of the Year to boost his already growing anon persona and incredible humility ;). $100 in ETH
#4 Outside Recruit of the Year: As the jungle expands we need allies that are standalone. Luckily we have procured memes of communication and you know who the winner is there: DgenFren. $100 in ETH
#5 Nothing to Something: An obscure story for sure. A guy living in the middle of Argentina (yes Argentina!), was able to crowd source funds from a generous anon “Sponge” and 10x his monthly income due to the Jungle. BowTiedSponge and BowtiedLevia will each receive $100 in ETH

#6 “Female” Anon of the Year: We have a tie here do to a sudden newcomer who has actually helped solve problems for large twitter account individuals. BowTiedCommoner and BowTiedFawn. For those unaware, currently the jungle is some 95% men 5% women due to extreme intensity and autism in all the interactions (we’re not surprised - the women’s night spaces turned into a discussion about “tanks” which shows just how many women are willing to deal with all of this). Anyway. Commoner has created a cool niche of creating excel models/videos to help illustrate various concepts in an entertaining maner. BowTiedFawn came out of nowhere and suddenly solved skin problems for people (real ones!) so we’ll be watching that account closely. $100 in ETH for each individual.
*Hundreds* of Others: No doubt we missed a ton, we’ll hear about it through the grapevine though! January we will focus on growing the base and getting everyone set up for what they need to take on risk in 2022 (IE. what chains we will be using most). You will see a wide range of things in January and once we’re past the first month we should be ramping up the wifi income opportunities for *you* and other fun events.
Part 3 - Free Stuff and Organizing
To say that 2021 beat expectations would be the understatement of the century. We’ll have the year-end recap out Sunday for paid subs. Everyone will claim they “did better” but for some reason we never see them rolling with the right contacts “surprise, surprise”. The big money is made 99.9% of the time with the same strategy: 1) High income stream - Career then Business, 2) invest in major L1s and never “trade” and 3) invest in more aggressive items after that without *ever* selling to zero - that’s max pain… imagine selling a punk you minted with gas for… 1 ETH!
We dismantled the best hedge funds in the world and it wasn’t close with time stamped proof. The future is computer coins.

For the exception to the rule guy pointing out the handful of traders… that’s the minority. The majority (~99%) of people who are actually rich, are too busy building an actual business to trade computer coins all day. The guy making $200,000 US Token profits per month with a business and DCA strategy for 5-10 years will absolutely slaughter any trader with a $2M book today 99.99999% of the time.
Onto the free stuff!
NGMI Friendly: Brain is recovering nicely from the virus which set us back a week or so. However. One commitment we have to our main install base (all of you paid subs!) is that we don’t want to dilute the content. Brain is working with the DeFi team to put together a NGMI pdf for the new people who find our site. Think of it as a 30-50 page overview of extremely basic stuff (where to store coins for example). We will put this up for free on the interwebz and we won’t have to answer any more newbie questions (likely bowtiedisland as it turns into a crypto news aggregator).
YouTube: Slowly but surely we’re building this out. It has some potential. We still need to figure out what direction is best for the content. There has to be a way to meld some of the video guys we have plus the content and make some interesting stuff over time. Be sure to check it out if you prefer video overviews of our free content (link)
Part 4 - Best of Luck in 2022
Blow up in a good way, or blow up in a bad way, you’ll see our wins and losses just like last year. Many of you made life changing gains and are now onto a different stage of life. Perhaps some Big high risk bets with the extra money you have or perhaps some risk off while you build a business. It does not matter. You can look at our structure and adjust risk based on what makes *you* feel comfortable. Just remember. Don’t go to zero. Like banks.
Disclaimer: None of this is to be deemed legal or financial advice of any kind. These are opinions written by an anonymous group of Ex-Wall Street Tech Bankers who moved into affiliate marketing and e-commerce.
Questions: If you have questions regarding the gift affiliate set up let us know. We’ll monitor for questions closely, otherwise THANK YOU to anyone who helps spread the word of our growing digital country.
As the most humble anon and probably the most handsome (they ran I poll, I won) I graciously accept the Rookie of The Year award.
On a serious note, it’s been a pleasure and great experience. 2022 is going to blow minds, they wuzn’t redy
happy New Years frens - as usual I’m home alone ensuring I kill my competition while they are lacking !