Only suggestion I have is we should let in almost any man who is high IQ (or has some incredible talent), and all attractive young woman.

Alternatively, should allow foreigners to 'purchase' USA citizenship for $1M per passport. This amount will go directly towards paying down the debt.

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1M is quite low - should be more like $5M.

Yes to all attractive young women.

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Economic incentives would be better. Almost like a balloon payment mortgage. You are in…you got 10 years…if you contribute economically in some pre defined way you don’t pay…if you dont…pay the money or gotta go home.

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If you want a taste of what the USA will look like in the future, take a look at Germany. The question of identity cannot be answered with economic data alone. In 20 years, native Germans will be in the minority. Is Germany still Germany without Germans? Cultural differences have not been taken into account either. Is it really desirable for a formerly Christian nation to have to live under Sharia law in the near future? The majority situation will very soon change fundamentally and very quickly. Demography is destiny. Choose wisely.

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All of this economic intellectual analysis is complete bullshit. This ain't your Ellis Island immigration wave. LOOK at who is coming across our border. Single, fighting age men from non-White countries, by the thousands. Daily. We are being invaded, on purpose, replaced, on purpose, by the people we elected, on purpose. It is all right in front of you. Not sure what the solution is but, at a minimum, you should be melting down the phones of every politician at every level of government daily (do not lecture me about how it does not matter or how they all suck since I agree but these flipping losers must start feeling major heat from the People), you must be registered to vote, get everyone you know registered and then actually vote for the reddest candidate possible, and, finally, you must make sure you and your family are protected. And, I am not even sure this will help. But, you must get your head out of your naive asses. We are being destroyed from within. On purpose.

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End birthright citizenship. Why obligate a nation to the care of children whose parents are not citizens? Removing this incentive will boost the overall quality of immigrants entering the country and dissuade pregnant women from attempting dangerous border crossings.

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you should come to canada. we have been letting in over 1m people per year with a population of barely 40m. that's 10x the per-capita immigration of the US, and 3% yearly population growth due solely to immigration. we used to let in the best and the brightest but now its a lot less selective. and all our top people leave as soon as they can for the US because salaries are way higher and cost of living is lower. consequently, gdp per capita is cratering and has diverged sharply from gdp per capita in the US.

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Noticing a large homeless industrial complex ngo scammers popping up in big cities (SF, NYC)

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US (pop 330mil) can not compete against China (pop 1.4 billion)

Hence, peeling of the EU (pop 450mil) away from China via the Ukraine war

The war not only stopped EU/Russian trade, it stopped China's Belt and Road initiative into Europe

Regarding immigration, those of low IQ are soldiers for the potential conflict. Tendency toward violence is a positive, you want violent soldiers

There is precedent too- blacks accepted (in the North)after serving in the civil war, Catholic Italians/Irish after serving in WW2, etc

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When they go north, you go south. When they go south, you go north.

When they zig, you zag. When they ying, you yang.

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Legal immigration is difficult and long process. Ride around in a taxi in NYC and talk to the drivers. A high percentage of them were successful in their home countries and now have kids on their way to being doctors. For them, the sacrifices are worth it.

On the illegal side, asking small businesses to enforce/monitor is an extra burden.

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A side issue to this is the ridiculous housing and other subsidies local governments dole out to illegal / non citizen immigrants which turns into a quasi way to scam for those who can play the game. Example: massive number of hotels in nyc off market and converted to migrant shelters. Who knows the COL impact on cities like NYC where illegals are being given free housing, food and prepaid debit cards. Will be interesting to see if mass deportations actually occur under trump

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Seems like the Illegals are smarter than the Citizens.

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Scammers I’m referring to are the hotel owners gaming the system

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Oh no doubt they are gaming the system. I can't blame them. They must be printing

But when you look at the average illegal. They can get free housing, food, healthcare, damn near everything. As many kids as they want And they don't have to work. Average W2 USA works like a dog and barely makes ends meet. Clearly the illegals have a better system.

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All the world's problems are being shipped to USA.. good for me. That makes South America and Asia much safer !

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Right they have it much easier. Would not say it’s a high iq subset of the total population though that’s coming in illegally, which creates another issue since they’re the ones reproducing

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why even bother about this? It's not something any of us can control

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Oh agree, just was surprised at demographics recently. Got bored and wrote about it, do this from time to time

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The main challenge is translating any policy into something clueless bureaucrats can implement across fields in a reasonable sense.

They add a lot of challenges to bringing in bioscience PhDs.

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