I grew up at the edge of town to rural country, so I went to school with a lot of farmers kids. They weren’t the brightest candles on the cake but very social and could lift massive feed bags by age 13.

In college I met a girl from china who grew up extremely poor. She was the daughter of pig farmers but she was extremely intelligent and driven. She came here on a full scholarship to do a PhD in some medical field and got a job at one of those massive pharmaceutical companies.

Apparently, her grandparents were wealthy landowners and lawyers before the cultural revolution. She said her grandparents were killed in the uprising and her parents had to live in abject poverty.

Her kids will probably be back to the level her grandparents were before. All in just 3 generations. If that isn’t genetics then I don’t know what is.

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Yeah have to study the tree carefully, the hardest part is predicting what skill is needed in 30 years. If buffet was born in 1700 he'd be poor

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Jul 30Liked by BowTied Bull

11:11 you mfers lol

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Killer Post!

Oh man I was Guy 1 for a while. Wasted a whole year thinking about the perfect jungle animal for my niche...

Decided to say "screw it" and picked a homeless bum as a joke and launched that same day...

It ended up being perfect for my niche.

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Hahaha amazing

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We've gone full circle:

6000 BC - 1900 AD: Do what your father did.

1900 AD - Present: You can do anything you want and be what you want!

Jungle: Do what your father did.

Can also be meme'd as angry midcurve guy.

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History of cancer, paranoia, alcohol and drug abuse, jail, failed relationships and infidelity, and even a suicide (great grandpa dad's side) from both sides of the family.

Now I'm in a FinTech WFH career working on a Wi-Fi biz and getting all my advice from cartoon animals.

Yeah, I'm gonna be alright, Fam.

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Hmm addictive personality, you should look into channeling that into the wifi biz. Find part of it that feels like an addictive game and hit the gas

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Might be worth to write a dedicated article about addictive personality.

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Kenyan runners dont win EVERY marathon because they 'train at high altitude', or have some super secret training regimen like the media says, or because of some racial element. Its because they have crazy long legs in relation to their torso and big feet, thats it.

I am white and 6' tall even. I can easily dunk with two hands. Zero "training", weak chicken legs, no calves, the only reason why is I have size 14 feet - Its just a good spring lever. I got into barbell lifting and after years I still I cant even squat 275 lbs, im terrible at it.

If I could go back in time I would have told my young self just to stick to sports I was built for.

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That's 100% true, even if you study olympic sports certain cities/regions produce the best athletes consistently.

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Former fast twitch athlete + high IQ. Your observation is spot on about becoming bored with a business (and many things) after 3 years. Struggling with this now with a business (mid 7 figures in 3 years) that had a recent set back and I know how to fix, but just can’t find motivation. Any recommendations you’ve seen for these types of people? Sell biz every 3 years and buy another/hire a CEO when bored?

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If you are tired/bored of the biz you should sell. If you are being lazy and can solve it, then you should solve it. Completely different angles.

Be honest with yourself are you being lazy or are you actually sick of it.

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Mostly lazy since I have free time, but the intense focus was so easy in the beginning. Also NW has reached low 7 figs, largely thanks to you! But it’s been sadly demotivating. Fortunately, you’ve talked about this period before so I was prepared, just odd to be here. Need to stay the course and power though. Appreciate you bull.

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Then you know the answer, if you don't suck it up there is a real chance the big money doesn't come for years. Lady luck punishes people who let the low hanging fruit die

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This is one of the greatest articles you ever wrote. Bravo.

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Im definitely characteristically more like my dad and i hate it (i am the first child of 3) His highest achievement in life is being a hotel manager. Otherwise we dont speak much and when we do he doesnt talk about his life. All i know is he rents a bedroom in someone’s home and has never been a homeowner. I never met his parents nor recall it since both have been dead for some time. His siblings are scattered all over the globe. Retracing genetic tree will be difficult for me on my dads side. I have no idea what hes talented at and his mental decay at his current age is beginning to show. But as far as what i know i am really good at is planning and organizing. I thought about being a party planner at one point since i like to research what to do at cities when i travel. Ive been told by people my whole life that im good at organizing and planning. Other than party planning idk how i can use that skill especially as it pertains to ecom. Open to suggestions

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Hospitality? You might actually want to look into that, doesn't all need to be WiFi if you're good with people Airbnb/rentals might be for you

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Like managing rentals? Time to talk to Broke

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Sure could be, anything hospitality might be the starting point if you're very personable

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Just because your dad didn't achieve much doesn't mean that he wasn't capable of achieving in the right circumstances if he made better decisions or pursued something more in line with his natural talents. Jim Carrey's dad was a total failure and Jim learned from him what not to do. His dad played it safe so Jim trusted his instincts and took chances, leaned into his talent. Said his dad could have been a good comedian too if he had just gone for it. Many such examples.

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wedding planner/consultant?

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Article of the year.

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Do you think wisdom/truth seeking is a genetic trait?

Think I might have a special knack of figuring out whats true (i.e. realised early on WSP was truth teller number 1). Not sure though if it is because of too much autist internet exposure or something else.

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This is more of a male thing, women like to go with intuition, men typically want to find the truth even if it sucks. Hence obsession with weird stuff like space travel, oceans, egyptian pyramids etc.

Generally its a positive trait

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Not sure if its "genetic" but certainly a skill or talent. Look at the number of YT and other social media channels dedicated to wisdom/truth seeking. Certainly a market for it, always has been and will be people looking for that type of information.

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First child, dad was endurance athlete (cycling champion in his city and even country if I remember correctly) and built a successful small scale home services & construction company.

Highly driven type until he took it easier in his late 40s due to health issues

He always wanted me to pursue trades/construction path.

Currently in mining but not passionate about tradesmanship.

Done banking before but quit because I was “just” a teller and couldn’t get into investment banking with my education

Started a few agencies and consulting during the mining gig, didn’t commit long term due to feeling my product/service isn’t good enough (projecting self beliefs onto it).

Main thing I got going for me is a aryan looks and a good presence, a deep voice and a well functioning logical brain

Gifted in the areas of language, spacial thinking and maths. Don’t have a passion for maths, though.

People always tell me I should become a narrator (no money in it).

Could start a podcast but don’t feel like I’ve achieved enough

I see the looks and voice as an asset to become someone who’s perceived as higher value once I get a successful business off the ground, not as something I need to specialise in.

More of an introvert, can do sales but it doesn’t come natural (tend to beat myself up over not being good enough yet and then feel the need to avoid people)

Have a talent for influencing people/getting my way.

Currently working on a recruitment agency.

Genuinely no idea what to specialise in, though.

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You already wrote the answer which is being good looking and personable and your dad was in services biz

Ta Da. Sounds like you have a confidence issue though as Wolf pointed out, you should just start tomorrow with any service type biz you can spin up quick and you'll be shocked that it turns out decent. Start asap and stop caring about making $1M in the first 2 days or whatever

Sounds like natural skill is sales if you just get over your obsession with overthinking and caring about instant results.

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You have 0 self confidence - its clear in your post....you care too much about the outcome / what others think. Stop that, then just commit to something and it will work.

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ever thought about having a video + podcast where you interview successful business owners? Since you feel you haven't achieved enough yet, you can feature those who have.

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Sell mining equipment.

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funny how you formula for getting rich in business " 1) cannot care at all about the outcome, 2) don’t come up with an initial “strategy” and 3) do your best just to say you tried."

applies exactly the same to dating and cold approach. you should do a book on universal principles

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It's universal for sure, if you say "hey no chance this works but whatever" it usually works

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Endurance athlete, Second Born, Mother was C-Suite at F200, and look like her/have her tendencies. Damn, Corp life it is lol.

Good at writing at least.

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Unsurprisingly your mom made it high up! That's quite promising

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I like this a lot, the apple does not fall far from the tree! My father was a psychotherapist and my mother a business owner, and I have this ability to make people feel understood and build trust quickly. This is helpful in certain contexts, but I also had to learn how to be more “bulldozerish” in business situations. So it’s good to be self-aware about this, but likely you will need to evolve in certain areas to become even better and a more complete person

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I definitely have a disposition from my mom. Her dad fled nazi germany and joined the navy or something like that. I know I got my moms genetic dispo (first born) cause a lot of people would say we looked alike growing up. Realized at a young age I was also good with math/numbers

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Yeah chances are high if you look more similar to one parent that's the starting point. If you recognized that, then go down her genetic pool (brothers/sisters/grandparents) will give yo ua clear answer or trend at minimum

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Did the exercise and come to find out my Moms side of the family is super fascinating. Context: mom is an immigrant & father is black. Dad’s side def has slave background unfortunately and mothers side came from EU & Malaysia. Mom’s mom was a teacher/professor, who spoke 5 languages, loved to gamble (lolz) and played multiple instruments. Seeing my dad in a couple weeks and will dig deeper into things but it was fun to connect with my mom about this topic today! Thanks for inspiring that

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