More that the American Medical Association controls doctor supply to keep salaries/demand high. 784k applications, 32k offers across all med schools last cycle.
If you're not starting your first faculty/industry position by 30, you're behind. If you're going for real money, have to be a VC group's science guy or equity in a startup that …
More that the American Medical Association controls doctor supply to keep salaries/demand high. 784k applications, 32k offers across all med schools last cycle.
If you're not starting your first faculty/industry position by 30, you're behind. If you're going for real money, have to be a VC group's science guy or equity in a startup that either can get sold to someone bigger or move drugs from Phase 1 to Phase 2.
More that the American Medical Association controls doctor supply to keep salaries/demand high. 784k applications, 32k offers across all med schools last cycle.
If you're not starting your first faculty/industry position by 30, you're behind. If you're going for real money, have to be a VC group's science guy or equity in a startup that either can get sold to someone bigger or move drugs from Phase 1 to Phase 2.