Bulleted format 10/10. Can be read way more faster and easier to digest content.

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Yes, this was great

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Wish I had the college advice a decade ago. Wasted 2 years doing biomedical engineering b/c I thought employers “respected” someone in a tough major 🤡.

Cheat code: Utilize office hours. Nobody goes to them, & since life is about relationships, it’s super easy to get a professor to like you and help you out (bump your grade/refer you for internships)

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Honestly one of the stuff I enjoy more about you guys is the information dense articles. Bullet articles looks like they're shaped to people who don't like to read or don't like to dig deep into info. Dunno, I might be wrong. I trust you guys won't decline in quality if keep using bullet articles, but it might attract another type of reader. Well, actually thinking about it, it might have better conversion, so...

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Yeah we will mix it up from time to time. Sometimes it is better when you want to cover many topics quickly and in succession. As you notice for this one we covered high level big topics quick and easy to remember

Is it useful for an overview of Cosmos? No way.

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Lol at that Peter Schiff GIF

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Great post. I have a very simple strategy to accumulate and hold ETH for 10-20 years minimum. I feel like this is more profitable than trying to sell highs and buy lows (especially considering capital gains taxes). Anyone else doing this?

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yep. already got burned on taxes this year using long term held ETH to buy NFT’s. never sell and fuck the IRS

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This is me. Although I don't think it's bad to take the profits, it's just bad to take the profits and then reinvest that money shortly after into other things. Because at some point the whole market comes back down and you still have to pay your taxes. It seems to me the best way to do it is to take your profits (at least your original investment amount) and put it right back into a stablecoin to put into a CeFi protocol like Nexo or DeFi like Anchor protocol for decent return on US Token equivalents.

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Same here; will loan out coins next time instead of selling. Lesson learned.

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Another classic.

Bull - can we bring back Troll Tuesdays? Really got a kick out of all those creative competitions. Thanks.

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Yes we are bringing those in right now we have to run our april promo. As you know we have to keep core customers and then go from there.

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BTB, what's the secret of your incredible work ethic (read- autism)? Do you microdose? Or do you have your own" Vitamin Butane Green Tea + Wine " formula? curious

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We've stated publicly we know we're slowing down physically. This is our last push and we calculated we made enough millionaires and multi-millionaires to hit critical mass. This means we have a real shot at building something sustainable that will pay our bills (around $7-11K a month) while creating *some* opportunities for the guys in their 20s.

When you like what you do, the work ethic comes naturally.

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1. link up with real free-minded thinking people

2. build your information diet around these people( yes, set up a system to brainwash yourself before you fall back to your normie routine)

3. pick your battlefield and become competent, no excuses

4. along the way engage with free-minded thinking people by presenting your unique value

5. Improve based on feedback from them (you will get a lot of feedback if you genuinely provide value)

6. keep going and never look back(you wouldn't want to)

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Good post Bull! Posts like this are needed to keep a cool head with everything going on out there.

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Wouldn’t jpeg’d founders be incentivized to dump as their tokens vest?

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If you look at the chad council you can decide who there needs the money. The goal to build something real.

Will people need to sell 5-10% over time (taxes, risk reduction etc) sure but market dump unlikely.

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Above is an opinion not investment or legal advice.

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A Hashmask bro is aping on a Pransky project (The Picaroons). Have you guys seen this project? Any thoughts on it? https://opensea.io/TheOnlyManWithGreenEyeSteamPunkWithAMonkey

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The bulleted format works when making key points about certain subjects. Good read.

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Awfully convenient for them to be comparing CPI to a higher and higher number from last year leading to midterms. I wonder if April to April of last year will be a big (bullish) surprise in May.

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with inflation going higher and higher, and rates also accelerating, seems like a reasonable time to take out a huge mortgage no? obviously a better time would have been a year ago... but it seems to me like housing prices are only going to increase, and rent will as well.

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Would that not put housing out of reach for middle class? Supply will catch up eventually.

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Bullet format truly is superior. Thx!!

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Apr 12, 2022
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I’m 50. My Venezuelan girl is 32. When you’re in your 20s don’t even worry about women, chase that bag. Get your Wi-Fi money and dca in coins. Work out 4 to 5 times a week, train jiu jitsu. Eat organic. Have a great skin care routine. Moisturize with tallow balm. Get early morning sun. But don’t burn. That shit will age your skin. Have swagger. Maintain frame. Rinse repeat and the panties will drop

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Apr 13, 2022
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Nah man haha. I got married in my 30s. Have 2 kids. Happily divorced. Won’t ever get married again

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More importantly, consider the quality of wife you will be able to snatch. Quality wife material marries early. Supply is extremely low by 26.

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Work out. Helps you look young. I’m about to be 33 and people at work think I’m 26

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I'll add skincare and diet to this. Good facewash and moisturizer with SPF will prevent wrinkles, moles, and general aging in your skin. Diet and exercise keep you thin and fit - most people start getting fat in their 20s and have full dad/mom bods in their 30s

No matter how tired you are from stress/work, try to find minimum 4 hours or so a week to work out. Then increase to whatever you'd like whenever you have more time.

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This guy gets it...I'd also add find a hobby that will keep you young. I was just talking to this 50 year old who looks like he's in his late 20s...he rolls with me in my BJJ dojo. Getting a dad bod isn't attractive.

I won't lie I worry about the future and sometimes get insecure that I'm not doing enough since we have some very successful people here in the jungle.

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I am doing exactly this! So I agree with him

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Apr 13, 2022
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I'm kind of in a rush and your name isn't showing up, so assuming you're griptoe? Your regimen/advice isn't bad, but here's mine:

I think you should look up Bowtied Fawn. Me personally speaking, I cleanse and moisturize twice a day. 2 face masks per week: 1 aztec clay with charcoal, green tea, and apple cider vinegar. 1 egg white mask. I'm minimalistic but am willing to try new things. For example Fawn suggested a company called Good Molecules and I bought their skin brightening bundle. People (not just women) are shallow. I'm largely convinced having clear skin all over is better than having a PhD (hence why I'm hesitant to using steroids). I was swimming at the pool one time and this hottie more likely than not was checking out my ass and my back, gonna see if I can pick her up in the coming months or if I should just be fine with one of the current girls I'm seeing.

I also have a tanning regimen and tell people I'm a beach bum. I've told people in this neck of the woods I could easily fit in in an episode of Jersey Shore.

BTW I'm rebranding to Bowtied Gracie. Follow if you want to take your BJJ to the next level.

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IME: it's rare (not impossible to date with an age gap in America). Other countries the age gap is fine, I also agree with other commentors, look as young as possible. Me personally speaking I look like I'm in my early 20s and could fit in with the Jersey Shore crowd. Just a FYI I'm pro age gap, I think there's something special about being an older guy with a younger girl.

I think you should hang around people you're trying to emulate. Good buddy of mine got divorced years ago and is dating around in his 40s. He probably won't do it forever and I won't either. I think nearly all of us want to settle down.

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Apr 12, 2022
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For a 21yo living off free money (student loans) and having fun I agree. For those who want a family and realize the cost (usually religious Mormon/catholic, etc) they all want older men. I can tell you working in the hospital I get hit on all the time by nurses in their 20’s because of my white coat which is just a proxy for money. No one cares I’m in my 30’s.

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Apr 12, 2022
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so many nurses i know are the party animals lol!

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I’m religious as is my wife, would recommend it. She is actually from PR which you always talk about. As for nurses find one in Labor and delivery (life, not death). Just make sure they work day shift, night shift ages them. Have hope!

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Apr 12, 2022
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