IMO not a huge deal as it's only on your body for a minute before getting washed off. If you feel what you're using is too drying, you could consider switching to the bar soap from Vanicream. BowTiedFarmer sells homemade soap on his Twitter/website as well.
IMO not a huge deal as it's only on your body for a minute before getting washed off. If you feel what you're using is too drying, you could consider switching to the bar soap from Vanicream. BowTiedFarmer sells homemade soap on his Twitter/website as well.
IMO not a huge deal as it's only on your body for a minute before getting washed off. If you feel what you're using is too drying, you could consider switching to the bar soap from Vanicream. BowTiedFarmer sells homemade soap on his Twitter/website as well.