Welcome Avatar! We got a lot of emails related to politics based on our last free post and had a laugh attack. We have never voted in the United States. That’s right. Not once have we voted and we cannot legally vote (many of you have figured out why - perhaps we are not in the USA anymore).
The reason for this is that weak people believe the “President” is going to change the outcome of their lives. It does not. If the President is a Republican or a Democrat *YOU* can still become rich. The President doesn’t care about you and never will.
Part 1 - Politics with Trump and Biden
While people got it twisted when we took a long shot bet on trump in 2016 (40:1 odds) and another long-shot (3:1 *pre-COVID*) people assumed we were “Republicans”. This is simply not true. If we knew COVID was going to happen we probably wouldn’t have made the 2020 wager. We had already placed the bet before the pandemic. (notice we said “probably” since no one knows as hindsight is 20/20).
Now. Why are we using that as an example? We don’t care about politics, we care about trying to make money. In the end, both Trump and Biden are not great people. Trump has 3-4 wives and cares a lot more about his sex life than any of his “loyal supporters”. While he will smile, nod and agree like any smart person if he meets you… in the end… he doesn’t care.
Similarly, Biden also doesn’t care about you. In fact, he seems to be quite slow with communication and appears to be more of a “Placeholder” President. Making huge blunders like highlighting the rising food costs is simply not smart.
The below was what we thought heading into the Election. Neither of them are fit to lead in the coming Tech driven world.

Create Your Own Culture: Hopefully the above convinces you we really don’t care about politics. If we can’t vote, have never voted and just place strategic bets based on what the “masses” will do… that’s about as disconnected as it can get.
The main reason we don’t care about politics? You can create your own culture and community with the use of the internet. People think we’re kidding and we’re not. At this point we’re working with 10+ people online and have no idea what they look like, what their names are or where they are located. Sure we can figure out some basics if they have posted images. However. We don’t know much and don’t need to know much as their skills are clearly present online.
With the Internet, you can choose your parents, your friends and your belief system through a series of smart decisions. While it seems extreme to suggest your “parents” can be replaced, you can replace the word with coaches (assumes you have a good relationship with them). This was *impossible* 40 years ago. You’d be stuck learning from the same people… living in the same place… working the same jobs, year after year after year.
It gets better! As economies move online (as you can see that’s our plan!), you can move your business/work online as well. You can have your own proposals, your own budgets and your own sub-culture that filters out the bad actors over time. If we put $10,000 US Token into a fund and told the top 50 BowTiedAnons to come up with a good use for the funds… We can all but guarantee it would be 1,000x more valuable than a $10,000 check written to fund Transgender Bathroom is Seattle. (The downward spiral in the USA for culture was highlighted by Drake’s popularity and Transgender bathroom funding in the 2010s).
In short, the future is high-tech. Decentralized Wi-Fi money economies. This means your future is not dependent (at all) on what a 75-80 year old guy does or says. As long as you have internet access you can find a way out of any situation you are in (if you care to do so).
Part 2 - General Life “Leveling Up”
In the end, life is no different from a video game. Anyone who is trying to live life to its fullest wants to improve physically, mentally and financially. If you are stuck making the same amount of money, getting older (no improvements) and “dating down” you will become frustrated. Until you’ve reached a high enough level, you will focus on nothing but growth until you hit the “give it all away” phase.
While this is a general truth, the path to the top is ugly and we’re happy to provide some high-level problems you will run into.
People Won’t Be Happy: As a rule of thumb, everyone in the “real world” that knows you believes the following “I want him to succeed but not more than me”. Remember this sentence carefully. Anyone you know personally will support you until you surpass them. At this point they will complain that you changed, “became mean” or are a “different person”. This is their insecurity talking.
This is one of the main reasons we’ve created a pseudo-anon economy. It is a lot easier for people to support anons as there is less animosity. For some psychological reason if you went to the same college as someone else (graduated with the same degrees), animosity is built up if one guy makes $2M US Trash Token and the other guy is making $300K US Trash Token.
As a good back pocket trick. If you are at any particular social event (bar, club, house party) try to estimate how much the people make and always say you make 20% less. It doesn’t need to be true. If you can’t do that, then simply say “work is up and down” which doesn’t really say anything and shows you’re not *excited*. If people can tell you are excited about your income, you’ve created a massive spotlight that you didn’t want to make in the first place.
To explain how important this is. As you get bigger, word will get around and people you haven’t talked to for years will suddenly show up. Hoping for some sort of hand out because “it is nothing to you bro”. Yes. This includes relatives.
Choosing the People to Level Up! Now that you understand what will happen as you level up (parasites drop off, winners become clearer), it is a good time to look at your rolodex. You should make some tough decisions on who *gets* to occupy your time. Your time is more valuable than your money.
If you end up making it to $1M+ US token by late 20s to 30, it means that you will inevitably become a deca-millionaire. Deca-millionaires are worth $2,000-8,000/hour at minimum. So. If you’re confident that you’re going to be rich… why would you burn your youth on people who are NGMI in the first place?
Simple Filtering: You can tell who is rooting for you by the time you land your first “win”. In this case for young people it is around $100,000 US Trash Token per year. People will suddenly turn on you. Then. People turn on you after you make your first $1M.
Step 2 - Talent: Ask yourself “does this guy seem to find obscure solutions” if so… you better keep him around. Most people who become rich are not the corporate drones who slowly move up from $100K to $500K to managing director averaging $1M (which is just ~$400K actual cash since most is deferred for 3-5 years!). The real winners are always “strange” and don’t fit in. Suddenly they are gone and usually make 5-10x what they were making as a drone in year one.
Obscure solutions = problem comes up and somehow one person in the office/social circle finds a “loophole” to solve it. This isn’t a one off and happens frequently. If you know someone like this you know in the back of your head that he/she is going to be rich.
Step 3 - Effort: The person should be putting in long hours (if they are young). If you are already a millionaire you should be delegating (not doing much). Know the difference and spot laziness vs. delegating tasks to free up time for bigger projects. As usual, if you want to win and you have nothing to your name it means you should be willing to do the lowest of the lowest quality work (basic customer service, tech issues with a website and more).
Step 4 - Differentiation: When you look at the skills a person has, ask if they are combining them. If someone can sing, that’s great. However. It would be a lot more valuable if they could sing, dance and act. As another example it’s a lot better to be good at memes, gifs and video vs. 100% focused on just memes. Over time, you will find that you’re better at one versus the other. However. Being gifted a few similar items is incredibly powerful. Note: *everyone* needs to be good at sales so we assume you will have basic skills in that arena. Every day you are selling yourself (dates, career, interview, client prospects etc.) and if you never learn it, you will never reach your full potential. Break into Sales here. For more info follow @bowtiedsalesguy.
Step 5 - Unconventional Beliefs: That last item is big. Being smart, hard working and talented isn’t enough. Most of those guys end up capping out at $300-500K and hit the proverbial “brick wall”. The person has to tick all of those boxes and *not* fit into any employee type environment. We’ll say that again. If someone is the #1 performer they are *MORE* likely to fail at getting rich. This sounds crazy. However. *You* have a better chance if you’re not a “top performer”. You shouldn’t be a top performer since you’re slowly breaking out of Shawshank prison with your rock hammer. No one who does that has time to be the #1 employee. They are perfectly fine being “high quality” but not the best (get flooded with work if you’re the best).
Unconventional beliefs are difficult to explain since they need to be “unconventional” to begin with. Look at the way they live their life. Look at the websites they frequent. Look at the ways they gather information. If you *cannot* copy it, they are unique. Similarly, this is why our side of the web is impossible to copy. You’d be forced to stay ahead in terms of our strategies which change every seven days or so!
Congrats! At this point you have filtered out 99% of the population (maybe more). You now know that there are 3-5 people you should interact with consistently. The rest are dead weight. Also. If you haven’t found anyone in your social circle who fits that bill, don’t worry! That’s why the internet is available. At this point we interact more with people we’ve never met compared to people we know in the real world. That’s the future! Equal Opportunity, Unequal Results.
Part 3 - Some High Level Items
We don’t know who you are. We have detailed posts in the paid stack for e-commerce, the future of tech and decentralization. For the free stuff we’d say that if you’re not earning anything online you’re behind. That’s right. You should be making at least $100 a month immediately. Eventually this grows to $1K which grows to a number that eventually pays your rent. Again. If you only have one income stream (investments don’t count) you’re behind.
So. Here are some big picture items you need to know in terms of where to look for “Wi-Fi” money.
Sell to women. This is the most profitable niche and the highest volume. Anything that makes a woman prettier. Particularly the age 30-40 band.
Sell to the rich. This takes more time to build however the customers are stickier. They are more loyal to consistent producers since it takes more time to gain their trust. Target age band 35-45. This can be enterprise tech products to insecurity based products like Rolexes and Lambos.
Sell Comfort. The world has changed forever post COVID. People are on edge and looking for someone to help them get through the day. There are legal ways to do this without tripping the psychology license rules.
Join a DAO. If you have skills you can join a DAO, this could be NFTs it could be other projects where you can add a particular skill. Hint. If you have coding skills you better have 5-10 forms of income! It’s too easy out there for you
Sell Time for Money ←- the worst. While it’s the worst way to start, you can exchange your current skills for money online. Acting, making art, doing a person’s taxes… the list is forever if you’re willing to trade time for money. You can flip the business model later.
Avoid the middle class. The middle class was killed by the rules put down in 2020. It is shrinking. You will either have to address the low income individuals who are in the $40-50K range or you have to go for the rich. The lower income group usually has weight/diet/health issues (this is just math) which means diet should do well for the masses.
Final Note: Many people say “how do i start”. All you have to do is pay $30 to set it all up and then go on popular forums and drop your knowledge there. Sure. We’re not making much here but you can see from a decade that’s what we did (dropping knowledge on Wall Street back when we worked there). After that you grow and adapt. Now we’re at a point where we’re literally funding anons (for free!). Crazy how that works.
Part 4 - Some Fun Interwebz Stuff
Island Maths: As a quick side note, someone has run the exact math needed to make it to DeGen Island 2035. We think the 2.18% number is a bit high (we’d think less than 2% will make it). However. The analysis is quite good.

$1,000 Prize: The video BANKS ARE ZEROS theme song competition is heating up! So far it looks like we have three clear individuals who may win. Octopod Here; Clownworld Here; BowTiedFarmer Here; Ray Andre Here and Pianoman Here. Going to be tough to decide on the final four but those will all receive something as well since quality was sky high!
Private Equity: Finally! After years and years, the Private Equity Industry has decided to ask the tough questions. From this event you can see the interaction here.
As stated we use funds here to create niche opportunities and grow online Wi-Fi income for anons so if you are enjoying the content, remember to subscribe below!
Disclaimer: None of this is to be deemed legal or financial advice of any kind. These are *opinions* written by an anonymous group of Ex-Wall Street Tech Bankers who moved into affiliate marketing and e-commerce.
Daily Reminder: You ARE EARLY. Too much negativity/cope. Everyone reading this is extremely early. If you stay on top of technology, there is always a new opportunity
The downward spiral in the USA for culture was highlighted by Drake’s popularity LOL True true
Another Golden Post.
This reminds me of an old Wallstreet Playboys article probably 2013ish… I was late 20s. Dead broke. One income. But a “seeker” who spent all day reading about human nature and politics. The initial cognitive dissonance stung but the truth resonated to my core. Fast forward to today. I lol at my friends still obsessed with politics… Aaand I’m rich. 80% action 20% learning / reading is the way for the young 120+ IQ autists reading BTB right now for the first time. Take action, brick by brick, one day at a time and watch your entire life transform in a few years.
The island awaits us.