You mentioned camera crews will be there. Will there be a live stream or video for the degens that couldn't make the trip?

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The ENS video is out of date.

1. No more auctions for ENS names. You can in fact squat on another brand's name. I think maybe it launched that way, but no more.

2. ETH is not refunded to you. You pay for the domain periodically (yearly or longer) in ETH, just like DNS.

3. Why would anyone want to advertise their bank account number or associate it with their name? Lack of privacy on ethereum is a bug, not a feature.

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I can’t believe I just sent this text to some of my peeps: “I’m literally going to be clowning around in Times Square tomorrow afternoon with a bunch of people I’ve never met before wearing clown masks”

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Good. They can make some free US token as well

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If you're technical, any downside to learning solidity? Are solidity guys making $$$ right now or just employee-tier money?

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I've heard developers with Solidity knowledge are making money but unfortunately don't know how much. I've also heard smart contracts are going to be big next year.

Do you have connections to the company you're shooting for?

I'm curious too. I'm not sure how freelancers would obtain jobs and signal that they know solidity.

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"If the price of Bitcoin collapses and the loan to value ratio gets to say 50%, the loan is considered a “default” and the bitcoin is sent to the lender. "

Are you talking about the value of the collateral (1BTC)?

So in this case loan($10k) to value = 50% when 1BTC = $20,000.

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Please look into each protocol and you will find exact metrics there, we gave the example up front to make it simple

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It'll be great if you can ask people live streaming the event to use a unified hashtag on whichever platform they want to broadcast. By this, people who can't join can still view it from multiple angles

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If there's interest, a large order of pizzas may be sent to the location free of charge. Just need to be picked up by some clown attending.

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Send it! Someone will get it. But more important show up and bring yo frens

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I am in Degen Island Asia already but one of my girl-friends gonna go there and make random vids for posterity sake ;)

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Just asking for shits and giggles:

Did she not go to college? That's all I'm posting lol. The way I see it is I might see someone as a neighbor 15 years from now. Better be cool with everybody. That's all I can say.

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I want to see one of you degen clowns interviewed live by one of the bad money clowns on CNBC tomorrow.

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Send yo frens. Increases probability. Groupon for trolling

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Great, high energy event to kick off the new look blog. Big hype all round! (Only criticism is that it had to happen during a lockdown in my country)

Hope everyone has a hell of a time tomorrow and I'll catch you fellow degens at the next one

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If successful we have many other ideas. Send yo friends bruh

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Thanks BTB

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If I can't stomach the ETH gas fees yet what are private ways of buying crypto that you'd recommend? is the markup on localcryptos/paxful worth it?

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Is it still possible to profit off the Kimchi premium, saw some news that said it was going away?

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Thanks guys. This is helpful and what I learned already this past two weeks. Truly amazing how much you learn if you focus really hard on it.

For the commentators. I was about to follow a youtube video about metamask/crypto.com exchange and Uniswap to buy crypto but then it hit me "don't buy on an exchnage".

Anyone here figured out a way to buy crypto anonymously yet? Pre-paid visa card on a DEX or something?

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Use Binance's P2P to buy USDT, then USDT -> other crypto. I remember you can withdraw up to 2 BTC without KYC

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Local monero.co might be the way to go but I haven't had the time to research into it.

I've seen ATMs where I live but I won't hand out my phone number.

There's so much to learn. I'm actually talking to a cashier right now who's in college and understands NFTs. I tried inviting him to the event but he's busy.

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I found localbitoins.com which is based out of Finland. I think a prepaid Visa giftcard might work. I'll update when I find out.

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yeah they're smart at the ATMs with how much you can buy at a time with a VOIP number vs real phone number and the more you verify the more the cash amount goes up for how much you can buy.

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I think NGMI answers are helpful

I didn't know much about ENS, for example

The event looks like so much fun... it's a shame I couldn't make it

Hoping to hear from it on the news!

"clowns come back to wall st despite covid, but go out and have fun for a change"

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Also, you can connect your hardware wallet directly to metamask (i use a trezor), best of both worlds

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