Using a DEX puts you in top 1% technology understanding stuck out the most to me.

If the average person knew the power of this (simply staking Sushi for xSushi and earning 5-10% on an appreciating asset) then prices would be exponentially higher than they are.

Putting it into that perspective definitely helps the people who feel “they are late”.

It’s quite literally is simple and when people realize they can beat the S&P 500 with a couple clicks, anyone will any type of crypto bag will accelerate NW in ways never seen before.

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Great read. For the younger / newer Bull followers, one of the best pieces of advice from BTB is to keep your living expenses as low (close to zero) as possible for the next five years or so. After you get a high paying career and a second form of income up plus consistent DCAing into BTC, ETH and LINK you can really start stacking years of living costs up and inch closer to freedom.

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Good read as always. I’m currently spending $10K a month and have nearly 35x my annual expenses as a NW. However, I’m still in my 30’s with a growing family. I imagine my expenses will go up dramatically over the next decade and Will need at minimum, $10Mish to feel comfortable… I am saving around $250K annually and through simple compounding interest, I imagine $10M is inevitable inside a decadeish…hopefully, the goal posts do not keep moving..:if you told me I would have saved $4M 5 years ago I would have thought it would be game over and would be a FIRE early retirement…instead, I just feel like another relatively successfulish young professional!

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What an interesting time to be alive.

Some governments are embracing the sovereign individual while others are still clinging to the old idea of what power is and are doubling down on centralized authoritarianism.

It's so obvious which model is going to be successful. I don't understand how people can't see it.

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Culturally, I do not see this as being good. It yells that Florida may soon go the way of Colorado, Arizona, and other states that Californians have infested. It is even dangerous for the free future of Florida as these people will undoubtedly refuse to vote for leaders like DeSantis and we may very well be on our way to having a Gavin Newsom clone for Florida's governor.

I am starting to suspect, as a New Yorker running to Florida and from what is practically tyranny in NYC at this point, that this is an early warning sign of Miami getting on the radar of the same radical liberals who ruined San Francisco and now NYC.

The days of Florida may soon be numbered.

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The "Pause and Look at the Big Picture" blurb is classic WSP wisdom

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Concerning the net worth part: What about inflation? How do you know that your x annual expenses saved will be enough if inflation really kicks in?

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Great post

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Great post Patrick and Bull. Thanks guys.

@Patrick, How does the city of Miami and/or STX plan on attracting MiamiCoin users initially?

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Great Post Boys,

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hi im a paid sub. where can i find the buy and sells in real time?

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Bull I’ve had this question for some time… is it a good idea to buy coins off a centralized exchange on a friends/family identity?

Just the same way i would put the business on their name.

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@BowTiedBull I have a question for you. Do we need to have real estate or buy a house in order to make it or be considered in a good position? What’s the thought process? Thank you!

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Seriously dude, thanks for the great content. I'm bummed that I've only been a member of your newsletter for a month. Which is way too cheap btw, but I would never admit that.

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What is the best exchange to buy STX on?

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