Bought my mother, age 55, biomarker testing for Christmas. Very healthy lifestyle (trainer 3x a week, eats whole foods and gardens), but does not go full Bryan Johnson. To no surprise of anyone in our family her biological age came back at 42. Limbal ring totally checks out… going to start screening this more frequently.
Just checked my limbal ring - seems still thick even for blue eyed. But my lower eyelid hair caught up w/ me over the last few years. I’m either fucked or I bet on my grandparents who still active & riding bikes at 90+
Okay so if you're looking at a girl to assess how well she will age and she has a good limbal ring and low lower eyelid hair that means she will age better than others. But eve LeBron James son doesn't have the mix he has for that. Does that mean looking for limbal ring indicators doesn't really mean much for how your kids will turn out?
Because then it's just for aesthetics not health. I looked my own limbal ring plus lower eyelid and it seems to be good I think.
But I don't know what the chances of two good limbal ring plus eyelid hair people are of making kids that have those traits versus some recessive thing being activated instead.
Steph had a really high hairline and receding temples even as a rookie. Hasn’t changed since so assuming pharmacological intervention. You thinking balding as a result of high T/DHT + great genetics = world class?
Algorithm to detect limbal ring prominence in athletes for degenerate gambling purposes. Who is working on this
Ha well its a longevity and growth thing it isn't going to determine a single game
how you'd come to acquire this limbal ring alpha anyway?
Many years of analysis, report back on your peers from highschool
Especially the older looking ones who went to play college then got cut after 2 years
related to 300k is new 100k - job stacking might be alternate route (while building biz of course)
personally did this for a while; peak was ~$400k/yr before bonuses
path was 1 job -> multiple jobs -> use cash to build biz -> biz cash flowing -> drop jobs as it made sense
Limbal ring lmao! This WSP pre-Korean level greatness in terms of content.
Pre Korean?
There is a running joke from socially inept people that this is now run by some korean indian pajeet group
I don't understand why you folks keep using the "pajeet" word, it has disgusting connotation.
Cant see limbal rings on dark colored eyes
Have you limbal ring analysis on Trump? This dude seems to have stopped aging. So much energy
Bought my mother, age 55, biomarker testing for Christmas. Very healthy lifestyle (trainer 3x a week, eats whole foods and gardens), but does not go full Bryan Johnson. To no surprise of anyone in our family her biological age came back at 42. Limbal ring totally checks out… going to start screening this more frequently.
Checks out
Also 5’1 & Colombian… per some of your other comments, high correlation to physical size and longevity
Just checked my limbal ring - seems still thick even for blue eyed. But my lower eyelid hair caught up w/ me over the last few years. I’m either fucked or I bet on my grandparents who still active & riding bikes at 90+
Sounds like good genetics, limbal ring is the best indicator
Here some alpha on that prolly shouldn’t disclose but I’ll give it partially
Women with fucked up limbal rings will be your biggest customers when selling them skincare
How to get them? That’s the alpha
But nothing a funnel quiz can’t fix
Okay so if you're looking at a girl to assess how well she will age and she has a good limbal ring and low lower eyelid hair that means she will age better than others. But eve LeBron James son doesn't have the mix he has for that. Does that mean looking for limbal ring indicators doesn't really mean much for how your kids will turn out?
Because then it's just for aesthetics not health. I looked my own limbal ring plus lower eyelid and it seems to be good I think.
But I don't know what the chances of two good limbal ring plus eyelid hair people are of making kids that have those traits versus some recessive thing being activated instead.
It's all probabilities. The best you can do is identify probabilities
50/50 buyer checking in. had wife family help, i matched with some salesbro winnings.
Thick limbal ring, but long lower eyelid hair -- do the two cancel out?
Limbal ring is king, lower eyelid hard is harder since some people are prone to facial hair
Probably an outlier, but Alex Ovechkin looked 40 at age 20, and some closeups he has nearly no limbal ring. Still lighting it up 20 years later.
Looks fine? basically zero lower eyelid hair on draft night, thickness is at the bottom of the eye vs. all the way around though that part is strange
Blue/Green eyed people a lot harder because the limbal ring usually isn't straight black more of a light grey herder to tell thickness
Time to buy that aspiring athlete in the family contact lenses that enhance/add to the limbal ring?
Nah not even mainstream yet, portland is the worst, scoot henderson will be a huge bust
For fun, looked up Vince Carter on draft night.
Checks out
Yeah he looked like a kid as well forgot about him
One additional theory we had is that balding and limbal ring being thick is actually a win, vince, jordan, lebron etc.
Problem is curry breaks that mold, eye test is best
Steph had a really high hairline and receding temples even as a rookie. Hasn’t changed since so assuming pharmacological intervention. You thinking balding as a result of high T/DHT + great genetics = world class?
Limbal ring and CEOs stock price appreciation comparison?
Useless, bet on the ugly ceo like Palantir
If you don't look like a CEO you were too good to be ignored