Great article. Thanks Bull. BowTied Tax wrote an article a few weeks back on tax loss harvesting strategy focused on crypto, for anyone interested.


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Both cramer and elon appeal to the masses. By default they have zero alpha in this zero sum game of markets because everyone follows them.

Also conventional wisdom is almost always wrong.

Individuals can search for truth. Big group of people search for consensus.

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I can relate to the youth comment. Grew up in Eastern Europe with people who were used to corruption in ever facet of society. Nobody is trying to fix the system, but it’s not because people are fat and lazy. It’s because it’s been that way for hundreds of years.

My feeling is that we were better at hiding it in the West, meaning most people weren’t confronted with it. Now with everyone being online, it’s hard to not realize that everyone just acts in self-interest.

A friend of mine from that area has made it a mission to never pay income tax. He’s one of the most successful guys I know and of course he has started multiple companies.

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Articles like this bring me back into WSP days.

Amazing content right here.

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“No repercussions for Colleges to offer sloppy education with no performance criteria (job placement).”

They’re the Bernie Madoff of learning. People that spend 20 years in school scam the next generation that its valuable and critical to get ahead.

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Damn. That precursor brings me back. Started reading this in high school when I found out about the original site from Wall Street Oasis. Now that I’m joining workforce I still wish you’d clarify why you chose going out Thursday over Friday. Wont a late night hinder performance at work on Friday?

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I also found them back in HS and am a long-time WSP reader. I recently looked at their old article about this . They said Thursday because it has younger and hotter chicks lol (the college crowd I’m guessing). And Saturday because it’s the best night in general (and then it doesn’t stack back to back drinking days).

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Thanks for the refresher. I vaguely remember that point but not stacking back to back drinking nights is something I forgot and actually pretty helpful.

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Stick to 2 drinks max. Your Thursday night shouldn't hinder Friday work/gym performance. If you need more than 2 drinks to have fun need to work on your social skills (which going out twice a week will help). Friday is amateur hour in most cities and best to take it easy get some work done and wake up Saturday refreshed and ready to go.

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Well that makes sense. I'm jus now realizing then my social skills may not be up to par. Beyond the scope, but any recommendation on how to pace yourself? I feel like I just default to drinking more in general

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Being 25 this sucks ass seeing the garbage society take shape. Luckily I built out my pet water fountain website in the Summer, just waiting on my inventory to arrive to start going harder on marketing all the while working a crap job to kill the time and save. Looking to get Tech related certificates soon so I can get a comfy Tech WFH and accumulate while cryptos dead sideways. Other than that I'm doing all I can feasibly with limited time. I don't want to eat the bugs in 2030!

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"New American Youth Summarized: Instead of trying to fix or change the system they prefer to find a way to scam it." This pretty much summaries the mindset of international students that come to western countries. They typically know the legal loopholes better than 99% citizens born to those countries.

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Taking advantage of a country’s offerings has been brought up many times on here with regards to tax savings and low cost. Just because the US offers more advantages doesn’t mean the international students shouldn’t take advantage, it means we shouldn’t make it so easy for them, especially before our own people. The political motivation for that is another conversation.

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If you sold high costs basis stuff to cover your tax bill back in April, and are now sitting on huge realized losses for 2022 already, is there any more to think about than carrying them forward?

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Can always harvest again if down more. Cap losses carried forward indefinitely for individuals. Unless you have capital assets with large built-in gains that you want to sell and buy back to chew through the losses (make sure you do your math), you're gonna save the losses until you need to offset big gains. Keep good records of buys/sells so you don't lose track of the deferred tax asset you have.

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Just seeing this now. But that’s what I figured. Just hold onto it until I need it or until the next crypto 3-5x.

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Hi there,

Thank you for this article on tax loss harvesting - very insightful. I have two major questions on that topic:

1. Could this community recommend a good accountant CPA/ familiar with the major tax software for crypto?

2. Which software have this community being using? I assume most of the audience leverage Ledger at this point? So software needs to be aligning with Ledger advanced logs.

Any NYC-based accountant to recommend?

Thank you!

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